Summer Reading 2024

I love summer reading. We read inside when it’s too hot to play outside and outside when we just want to enjoy the fresh air. We can read at home or while we are away, and there is not as much pressure to get on to the next thing (though that pressure is self-imposed and shouldn’t be there anyway).

While my children will read many books of their choosing throughout the summer, I wanted to share my plans for our summer reading.

Family Reading

As a family, I hope to get through at least two novels. First, we just got the second book in the Jack Zulu series in the mail this week and everyone from the teens to the six-year-old is excited. We have been waiting, not so patiently, for this book by SD Smith since we finished the first one over a year ago!

Next, we plan to read the first book in the Wingfeather Saga. This one has been on my list for a while, but we just hadn’t gotten around to it. Read Aloud Revival is using it in the summer of fairy tales, so that was just the push I needed to schedule it into our summer. We also plan to watch the show on Angel once we have finished reading it.

We are also listening to two different audiobook series: The Towers of Light series, which is full of fun adventures but also gospel truths to encourage our children when they inevitably face the darkness of this world. ( You can use code schoolinswag on their website to get a 10% discount.) We are also working our way through the National Park Mystery series, enjoying hearing about places we have visited and adding new parks to our bucket lists. My son is enjoying this series so much that he is also reading the paperback version of the one we are currently listening to.

Reading with My Teens

My sixteen-year-old and I are both going to be reading Once a Queen by Sarah Arthur. This suggestion also came from the Read Aloud Revival, as they are doing it as their Mama Book Club book, but I thought it would be a fun one for my daughter and me to share.

My oldest is graduating this summer (how time flies) and is mostly done with his schoolwork, but we realized he had not read the book The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. As he goes into a career in poultry and meat agriculture, we thought he should read it, so we have made that the last “requirement” for his graduation. His father and I have both read it and look forward to discussing it and some of the challenging themes within the book.

My Personal Reading

Finally, I am reading Habits for a Sacred Home by Jennifer Pepito. I normally read a great deal in the summer as I find it refreshing, but with an infant, my reading time is more limited, so I am starting with that book and Once a Queen. If I have more time, I may read 10 Habits of Happy Mothers and Gospeler by Willie Robertson.

I am hoping this list strikes a balance for us and allows us to have a plan without too much pressure. I would love to hear what you are reading (or listening to) this summer.

Check Out Our Summer Reading From Previous Years For More Ideas

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