Our Curriculum Choices

What Curriculum Do You Use?

There is no one right or wrong answer when choosing a curriculum. What works for one child or family might not work for another. However, I believe there are great benefits in seeing what other people are using and learning more about the available options. Therefore, I have shared what we used for each grade each year in case it is beneficial to someone. I will be updated this page with additional resources.

Also, please remember that because I review curriculum we use an even wider variety than most families. You do not have to change as often as we do or try as many programs. A good friend says, “if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it” when it comes to finding a curriculum. Basically, do not feel like you have to always search for something different if what you have is working.

Our 11th Grade Choices

How do I already have a junior in high school? It is so bittersweet. The years seem to go by so fast, and I want to hold on tight, but I also enjoy watching him grow into a godly young man. *Some links are affiliate links; see disclosure below* This year we are making a…

9th Grade Curriculum Choices 2022-23

My daughter is starting her first year of high school this year. I think it will be a great year, but she is a little nervous. Since she is my second high schooler, it does not feel as daunting. *Some links are affiliate links; see disclosure below* She will take a couple of classes with…

Our 8th Grade Curriculum Choices (2021)

*Some links are affiliate links, see disclosure below* Somehow, life got hectic at the end of summer, and I did not have the opportunity to share with you what we were planning to use for my daughter’s eighth-grade curriculum this year.  We have been back in our school routine for about a week and working…

Our 8th Grade Curriculum Choices

Some days I find it hard to believe that I already have an eighth grader! I started homeschooling him in first grade and it seems like it cannot have possibly been that long ago. We started with a class schedule that was slightly shorter, but much like the one I had as a classroom teacher.…

What Are We Using For 7th Grade

*Some of the links in my posts may be affiliate links see below for more information. * Some days it is hard to believe that I already have a 7th grader. I remember so clearly our first year home schooling (his 1st grade year). So very much has changed since then as we found our…

Our Sixth Grade Curriculum Choices

I am excited to share with you today the very best and only correct sixth grade curriculum! Just kidding! I firmly believe that there are many great programs. There are many factors that go into choosing the best curriculum for your child. However, I always like to share what we are using in case it…

Our Kindergarten Curriculum

One of the most popular homeschooling questions I receive is, “What is the best curriculum for….?” I will be the first to tell you that there is no one right answer to that question. There are many factors that go into choosing the best curriculum for your child. However, I always like to share what…

What About Preschool?

I find myself in an interesting position this year. I have a four year old that really wants to ‘do school’. When my older children were his age I believed that earlier was better and that we needed a strong academic emphasis when they were young. However, over the last few years I’ve come to…

Our First Grade Curriculum

This has been a year of extreme interest in homeschooling!  Several times a week, over the course of the summer, I have been asked, “What is the best curriculum for….?” I will be the first to tell you that there is no one right answer to that question. Each child is different, each family situation…

Our Second Grade Choices (2021)

Some links are affiliate links, see disclosure below* I love sharing with you what we are using in our homeschool each year! No two years ever seem to be totally the same for us as we adapt to current circumstances, grade levels and interests. I hope this gives you some great ideas as you plan…

Our Seventh Grade Curriculum Choices (2020)

  Today, I am sharing with you what we are using for my daughter’s seventh grade curriculum. While there are a few things that are similar to what I shared a few years ago for my son in seventh grade it certainly is not exactly the same. That is because there is no one best…

What Are We Using For 5th Grade?

*Some of the links in my posts may be affiliate links see below for more information. * My daughter is in the 5th grade this year. This is my current plan for next year. As always, it is a flexible plan that we will adapt as needed throughout the year. I will also be supplementing…

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