Focus Word 2024: Savor

For several years now, I have participated in the trend of choosing a word or phrase to focus on for each New Year. I like the concept because it helps me stay focused without the pressures of goals and resolutions. Last year, it was Making Space, and while that is an ongoing work in progress for me, it helped me last year.

I thought about many different words for this year, but the one God kept laying on my heart was Savor. This will be a year of changes and growth for our family, and I need to focus on savoring the time and each stage as it comes.

Miriam Webster gives the following definitions of the verb savor:

a to have experience oftaste 

to taste or smell with pleasurerelish 

to delight inenjoy

Over the last few months, I’ve been experiencing part b of the definition often, as I enjoyed one or two bites of desserts or treats that I enjoyed. I experienced some gestational diabetes with this pregnancy that limited my intake of many treats. While it was a challenge at times, it did help me to savor the one or two bites I enjoyed better. However, I plan to focus more on part c of the definition in 2024.

While we do not know exactly what this New Year will bring, I have a high school senior who is slated to go off to college in the fall, and I am due with baby number five in about two weeks. We also have a big family trip planned in the spring, which should provide many opportunities to savor the memories (and hopefully not to stress out about what doesn’t go as planned.)

I can be a bit (or a lot) like the Biblical Martha, worried about so many things, making all my plans, and getting the details just right. While God designed me to be a planner, and it is a gift, if I let the planning stop me from enjoying what is in front of me, I miss out on the important things in life.

This year, I aim to ensure that I hold those plans in an open hand and savor what comes, even when it isn’t “picture perfect .”While we will still make plans and preparations for the future, I won’t let my worries about what comes next make me miss out on what is right in front of me.

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